I took a trip to Athens with my friends, art lovers and professionals this year early spring. We planned it mainly due to the Documenta 14, which is one of the most recognized and renowned art events in the contemporary art world, taking place every 5 years in Kassel, Germany. This year is unusual because the quinquennial exhibition has been partially relocated to the capital of Greece. We jumped into exploring the richness of Athens with our full hearts, not only arts but the city itself.

Below, my companion and I on the roof of Breeder gallery, accompanied with some artworks and a view on the city.
Maija on the Acropolis


We couldn't resist visiting one of the most popular art objects in the world: the Acropolis of Athens - the place I learned about from textbooks at school, to which I could finally connect in real life. Even for the skeptics like me who are particularly resistant to touristic objects, it's impossible to be blind to the magic of this place. In the bright and sunny daylight, the whole city was shimmering which was a magnificent effect.

Acropolis ruins

The ancient ruins, and the stones that have been used for the reconstruction of the place.

On the Acropolis

We truly enjoyed art in various museums in Athens that are so rich with ancient heritage that one can easily get confused without some guidance. I personally liked most the combinations of pieces from different centuries. The display of art pieces, for example in the Benaki museum where the picture below on the left is taken, suggests to read art history not as a linear development but as a layered, more kaleidoscopic structure.
We were also particularly impressed by another spectacular museum in Athens, the Epigraphical Museum, displaying ancient Greek inscriptions (picture of its courtyard below on the right). Artworks at the Benaki MuseumEpigraphical Museum, Athens

            By Maija R.

Regarding the Arts: Many of us have seen the colossal temples outside Greece, and may have perhaps rightfully thought for a moment that the Greek temples, theatres, stadiums and statues like Hermes of Praxiteles and Venus of Milo were works of lesser interest than those colossal structures.

HermesThe Greek works of art are indeed of somewhat restricted dimensions, yet they are unrivalled in perfection in the eyes of those who can feel and appreciate their perfection. The subject will not be elaborated, only two significant points of comparison will be mentioned:

Greek antiquities consist of theatres where the People were taught, Stadiums for the games in which they participated, and Temples where they worshiped their Gods. On the contrary the above mentioned colossal antiquities pivot round the life of the "King". the Caryatids While in Greece, statues and commemorative steles were set up for the artists and sages, the architect that constructed the colossal temple elsewhere was depicted with his arms cut off at the elbows. Indeed after the construction was completed the "King" had the arms cut off the artist architect so that he might not design and erect a similar building in the future..

Aphrodite of Milos Greek art is the expression of a turning point in the history of Western civilization. The conventions and rituals which gave rise to the art of older civilizations did not disappear, but they were transformed by rational thought and by individual will. The work of art, whether a temple or a statue, was, as in earlier cultures, real as an object of worship. But this work of art also now expressed man's individual observations of the natural world and his desire to understand reality in this different context. Greek art is as a result a compact synthesis of opposites, a harmony between profound passion and rational order.

Regarding the social structure and the regime: Already during these centuries democratic regimes were established in various Greek cities south of the Olympus. A respect for human existence and the individual form the basis of the regimes. Of course, it should not be taken that the Greek city-states were communities of angels. There were then, precisely as in modern times, the rich and the powerful who in many ways exploited the weaker and the poorer.

      The Greek islands
      Windsurfing in Paros
      Driving & cycling in Naxos
      One day cruise to Poros
      Relaxing holidays - Paxos
      Zakynthos and its turtles
      Chios, homeland of shipowners

Maija about Greek food:
One of the most amazing experiences in Greece is food, which in its variety and generosity of tastes provides an unforgettable experience. Especially for me, a person coming from Nordic countries where winter and early spring is parsec with needed nutrition and where one has to wait almost a whole year till August to taste, for example, a proper tomato. Thus I named this picture "Greek food porn" because it was so sensuous and stimulating!

Greek foodsGreek strawberries

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