If you are a curious visitor, whether Athenian or tourist from any part of the world, you will be pleasantly surprised by walking through hidden and unknown parts of Athens.
   The tenth consecutive OpenWalkAthens by Atenistas is an open walk that invites Athenians and tourists to experience unknown aspects of the city and its people. It concerns the "Invisible Athens" - those parts of the city center we pass by every day not imagining the places, settings, perspectives, real stories that are hidden behind, from basements to rooftops.
   A hidden treasure waiting for you!
   A city as old as Athens possesses an unlimited wealth, unknown to many: Athens of antiquity, of the pre-revolutionary period, of the Interwar, the Occupation, the urban sixties, of multi-religiosity. Ancient walls within modern apartment buildings, Byzantine churches inside neoclassical buildings, magnificent stained glass windows in offices, boring-looking buildings overlooking the sea, isolated quiet terraces next to the traffic jam of the city. Furthermore, small industries serving crafts that are about to vanish, old buildings being renovated by creative young people.
   Hidden Treasures for you to discover. Athens is not just what we see

Panagia Chrissokastriotissa   A special Sunday in the city: Take your company on a thematic walk! Or come to participate as volunteer - I have been there so I know! Both as visitor and as volunteer - I was in charge of one site (Panagia Chrissokastriotissa) for a few hours and really enjoyed it, especially because there were many tourists who needed a little more guidance. Nothing difficult mind you! And I am NOT a teacher in any way, meaning my friends who are teachers, professors or guides would have excelled! (Let me know guys and gals)

   Going back to my personal experience, the Atenistas invited us to join another OpenWalkAthens, in a unique opportunity to explore the city from a different angle and discover the "inner world" of the old quarter of Athens - the peaceful courtyards of Ottoman residences, of high-class homes of the king Otto era, folk architecture houses, 19th-century neoclassical and early 20th century buildings, as well as courtyards of museums, schools and other buildings which were open especially for the walk.
   That was the eighth consecutive OpenWalkAthens, themed "Yards and Gardens in Athens: Plaka", a call for a visit to 27 selected points in the blooming Plaka.
   Indeed, springtime was the best time of the year to organize such an event with the blooming blossoms overlooking the Plaka courtyards. Plaka being the oldest area of Athens, a "window" in Athens of the past, else the courtyard of Athens.
   Visitors had the opportunity to start the visit from the Benizelos Mansion (96 Adrianou Street), the oldest house in Athens, built in 1501 during the Ottoman occupation. It was home to the Benizelou family, whose daughter Rigoula was later canonised as Saint Philothei. Next visitors were encouraged to observe the buildings and the courtyards which were built in accordance with established urban concepts in Europe of those times, and to imagine how many families back then were sharing the same yard in their everyday life.
   They were arriving to the starting point at Mitropoleos Square (Pandrosou side), were getting their map anytime they wanted and could choose their way freely from 11 am to 3 pm.
   I was amazed to see myself how the streets of Plaka were flooded with people carrying the OpenWalkAthens map, studying it meticulously and visiting each location (Click to enlarge each picture)
Yards and Gardens in Athens: PlakaYards and Gardens in Athens: Plaka

Even Doggie was interested in the map
Yards and Gardens in Athens: PlakaYards and Gardens in Athens: PlakaYards and Gardens in Athens: Plaka

At each location, visitors were talking with those in charge of the site, they were taking a tour and learned about the location's history. As is the case with every event of the Atenistas, participation in the OWA was free. The citizens of Athens were more than receptive to it despite the very warm - and very unusual for the season - weather of the day!
All sorts of people were coming to the church, and mainly young people, to my great satisfaction!
Yards and Gardens in Athens: PlakaYards and Gardens in Athens: PlakaYards and Gardens in Athens: Plaka

Yards and Gardens in Athens: PlakaYards and Gardens in Athens: PlakaYards and Gardens in Athens: Plaka

Yards and Gardens in Athens: Plaka
Happy young faces in the church courtyard, particularly interested in its history
Yards and Gardens in Athens: Plaka
Yards and Gardens in Athens: Plaka

The Atenistas having dinner at 'Sto Vathos Kepos'
Happy and satisfied with the outcome, the Atenistas had dinner at a beautiful restaurant in Psirri. I was very happy to attend too!

On the left, the Atenistas chief Tasos Chalkiopoulos going through issues raised. The Atenistas having dinner at 'Sto Vathos Kepos'
Yards and Gardens in Athens: Plaka
The end of a tiring but rewarding day

By Maria Karnezi

An open community of citizens of Athens who love their city and believe that compromise with its most problematic sides perpetuates a vicious circle of irrationality, stagnation, defamation, underdevelopment and ultimately self-hypocrisy of its prospects.
For the Atenistas, Athens is not only a "finished story" but a vast field of inventive and effective actions that will help us realize its enormous potential.
Drawing power and energy from civil society - the thousands of defenseless Athenians who want to do something for their city and have not found a channel of creative participation in the open affairs of Athens, the Atenistas:
- brighten up schoolyards
- brush away offensive graffiti
- clean out neglected alleys
- bring a fresh look and feel to the city through a variety of volunteer-led activities
- organize cultural events or guided tours in historic areas and unpopular neighborhoods
- announce theaters offering cheap tickets
- organized citizen-action group activities across the city of Athens.
The Atenistas are not a party organization, nor a municipal party, but a living community that wants to share its beliefs for a much better Athens, by believing in the rejuvenating power of action. They are tired of grumbling and blaming "the others" or the "state" for all mistakes and for everything that is wrong.
"We are here only to act. Seven days a week, 365 days a year."

The 27 spots of the 8th Open Walk
1. The oldest house of Athens, the Mansion of Benizelos, Plaka
2. Museum of Popular Instruments, Research Centre for Ethnomusicology, Anoyanakis Collection, 1-3 Diogenous Str., Plaka, Athens (Prefecture of Attiki)
3. Microscopiko Theatro (Tiny Theatre), 5, Deksipou str.
4. Performing arts theater, Vrisakiou 17, Athens 105 55
5. Friends of the Panayiotis Kanellopoulos Society, 3 Polygnotou str.
6. The building at 22 Panos street, Muaeum of Greek Folk Art
7. The building at 19, Panos str, Muaeum of Greek Folk Art
8. Church of Agia Anna, Dioscuri & Theory str.
9. Service of Modern Monuments and Technical Works of Attika, Eastern Stereas Elladas and Cyclades, Lisiou & Klepsidras str, Athens 105 55
10. Panagia Chrissokastriotissa, Greek orthodox church, Thrasivoulou 9 & Aliberti, Athens 105 56
11. Agios Simeon, Church in Athens at Anafiotika, the feet of the Acropolis, Theorias str.
12. Department of Educational Programs & Communication, 9, Prytaneiou
13. Church of St. Nicholas Rangavas, Pritaniou 1, Athens 105 58
14. Museum of School Life and Education, Tripodon 23, Athens 105 58
15. A house, 27 Tripodon str.
16. Pareklisi Church St Demeter, 5 Epimenidou str.
17. 17th Acropolis Scout System, Vakchou 5, Athina 105 58
18. House of Mrs. Stavraki, 16 Vyronos str.
19. Alice Inn Athens, Tsatsou 9, Athens 105 58
20. Centre for Asia Minor Studies, 11., Kydathinaion str, 105 58
21. Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation, 6 Ang. Geronta, Athens, 10558
22. Greek Dances Theatre "Dora Stratou", Scholiou 8, Athens 105 58
23. 1st Experimental Gymnasium of Athens, 114 Adrianou Str
24. 74th Primary School of Athens, 106 Adrianou str.
25. Archbishopric of Athens, Agias Filotheis 21, Athina 105 56
26. Hill School, Thucydides 9
27. National Bank Cultural Foundation, Thucydides 13

A few of the Atenistas actions

- Rearranging and redeeming the pedestrians a battered pavement:
Where Kolokotroni Street meets Lekka Str. there was a sidewalk corner with a tree, fighting for survival between parked vehicles, scooters, trash.

Kolokotroni & Lekka StrA team of Atenistas decided to demonstrate how a small neglected public space, could mutate into a "place" that could be "inhabited" by pedestrians and city walkers, that could offer the possibility of passive leisure, pausing for a moment and perceiving the city, provide a space for socialization. In a self-defensible space against cars, motorcycles, garbage.

- Flying bubbles in the Alexandra's avenue abandoned playground:
That was a colorless, left out, with toys in terrible condition, benches dirty and nearly broken, deficient lighting, trees and flora without any care. A place without a trace of children's voices.
Flying bubbles Thus, on Saturday 1/11 with brushes and rollers in hand, about 40 Athenians revived and restored the scene in this abandoned place, inspired by flying bubbles. With pleasure we have witnessed children already playing and having fun.

- The neglected walkway off Syndagma square:

walkwaywalkway That was an open space so central but in the same time, so neglected and derelict. The pedestrian walkway (part of Perikleous Str.), two blocks down from Syndagma Sq., had been left in a miserable state for years. Atenistas's Green team decided to act and improve its appearance, give identity and some kind of public function. Our artists gave "wings" to air conditioners in order to create a surreal and out of the ordinary feeling and an element of surprise. Placemaking at its best, a public void city space with no other function than being a passage and , during nights, a public WC, was transformed to an amazing, functional, urban place. It only took 3 weeks of design preparation and material gathering, 11 hours of hard work and 40 people dedicated to look at the bright side of life and of the city they live in.

- 2 new pocket parks in Kolonos
Our Green team managed to complete two pocket parks in the Kolonos area and hand them over to the people of the neighbourhood along with a history lesson and a great message. The inspiration for our first park on Dramas 11 was Sophocles who was born in Kolonos. In all our actions we try to find a connection between the place and its history.two pocket parks The park's plan looks like an ancient theater, the plants and trees used are Mediterranean and the main wall of this small park was dedicated to the great ancient writer. We contacted Fikos, a great muralist, and proposed our idea. He then created a wonderfull graffiti where one can view Sophocles in modest style facing the heroes of his tragedies who come to salute him and give him the most important item of their story (i.e Hercules offers the mantle he used to end his life, Oedipus offered the needles he used to drive hiself blind etc). The heroes pictured on the mural are Oedipus, Aias, Antigoni, Ismini, Polinikis, Filoktitis, Hercules, Orestis, Helektra.

- Piano-steps in Eratosthenous Street, Pagrati, Athens!
Giving an artistic touch to one of Athens' beautiful secret corners. Under the spell of music from the nearby Conservatoire Attico, we swept, cleaned and painted piano keys on a set of steps in this Athenian neighbourhood.piano keys It was a simple idea, a simple move, but one which necessitated a desire for action and an optimistic look at things.So, on the spur of the moment, we created a landmark for this neighborhood, an artistic intervention in an urban space, which was enhanced by the element of surprise, the sense of "spot" which offered a playful and optimistic note on a grey urban scene.

- Touching, listening and smelling a museum
In cooperation with the Industrial Gas Museum in Technopolis, Gazi, the event included a visit to the Museum and a special guided tour for people with partial or complete loss of vision.Tour for blind people The vision-impaired guests touched the retorts (ovens), the gas pipelines and the purification equipment, they listened to the history of the factory as well as the working conditions during its time of operation, and smelled the tar and naphthalene that still prevail today inside the old factory..

- Planting trees and various plants in bare flower beds
For various reasons the flower beds were left empty and drivers used the pedestrian area to park their vehicles.
The 30-35 determined brave Atenistas were divided into two groups.Planting trees in the Athens centreThe access group walked through the Commercial Centre pedestrian area which they found to have become a road network. They left brochures on the cars or talked with the drivers. The other team started work immediately, initially locating the intervention points, namely eight abandoned flower beds which were now plain holes with dried soil. In two cases, in order to be able to do the job, the drivers who had parked on the empty bed had to be found and the cars removed.

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