The Atenistas were born on September 9, 2010 and for their 7th birthday they decided to celebrate at Salamina, by driving there with their own cars.

We all met at 11am at Omonia square, where Tasos Chalkiopoulos, our chief, was waiting, Nadia in the meantime having assigned seats to those who didn't have a car, we all set off for Salamina in an excellent mood following Tasos' plan and suggestions.
Tasos checking

Our first destination was the Elefsina Shipwreck - the tragic sight of the Mediterranean Sky on its side in the Elefsis bay.
Built in 1953 at Vickers-Armstrongs, Newcastle, England as a cargo ship, it was rebuilt in 1972 in Greece to a passenger ferry (946 pass., 470 cars). as MEDITERRANEAN SKY (Karageorgis Lines, Piraeus, Greece) but in 1994 Karageorgis ceased operations. The ship has since been chartered out and in 1999 laid-up in Elefsis Bay. In 2002 it capsized and sank.. it is now waiting for its final fate.
the Mediterranean Sky shipwreck

To get there, we left the cars and walked onto the old railroad tracks of line #3 at the edge of the cliff, Tasos guiding us through as a real professional!
the old railroad tracks

Oh yes we often felt like pupils asking questions that Tasos patiently answered as a knowledgeable guide
Tasos our chief and guide
Contemplating the Elefsina Shipwreck

The abandoned Sleeping Beauty seems to be lying on one side too long, having chosen this beautiful site on purpose as if she's waiting for someone to revive her, renew her at least into what she has been in the past. I am very proud of these two photos I took of her that day, click on to enlarge:
Mediterranean SkyMediterranean Sky

The Mediterranean Sky was not the only piece of abandoned property in the area.. Just very few meters away, we visited the abandoned Eftaxias estate, a sample of exceptional landscape architecture with beautiful Pendeli marble and Karystos' stones.
Lambros Eftaxias (1915-1996) studied Law, Political Science and Economics in Athens, Leipzig, Vienna and Paris. He was an avid collector, an enthusiast of Greek history, president of the Benakis Foundation and donated all his fortune to Museums and Cultural Institutions.
In the 1970's the plans for the "Megaron" (the Athens Concert Hall) were completed and work went ahead with funds provided by Eftaxias.
Villa EftaxiaVilla Eftaxia over shipwreck

the Atenistas girlsDespite the lonely landscape, the feeling of abandonment, a melancholy that the scenery is spreading, we keep cheerful and happy to be sharing each other's company:
Louisa standing, wearing a green top and Nefeli sitting are posing gracefully for Dionyssis to immortalize the setting.
A little later we got into the ferry and in 5' we arrived at Salamina. At the Salamina port
After 3' drive we reached the beautiful home, nicely maintained, of Angelos Sikelianos, the wellknown lyric poet and playwright.        (Click to enlarge images)
At the Sikelianos houseAt the Sikelianos houseAt the Sikelianos house
At the Sikelianos houseAt the Sikelianos houseAt the Sikelianos house

Angelos Sikelianos was candidate for the Nobel Prize for Literature 5 times but never succeeded to get it. The power of his art lies in the rich and incisive language, a forceful imagery, and the poet's belief in the beauty and harmony of the world. Although occasionally his grandiloquence blunts the poetic effect of his work, some of his finer lyrics are among the best in Western literature.
The Sikelianos house has been used as a museum, but we found it closed. Tasos took a happy picture of us all and we moved to the Kanakia beach. Villa Eftaxia

Spiro Karnezis
We took the cars and in 15-20 minutes we arrived at the southern part of the island which is wooded and protected from human architectural intervention. I was very happy to jump into the water at this beautiful seaside.

On our way back, we stopped at Votsalakia, a cosy restaurant on the sand with excellent food. There we celebrated our 7 years.

Happy 7th Birthday Atenistas!!

VotsalakiaVotsalakia Votsalakia

By Spiro Karnezis.

An open community of citizens of Athens who love their city and believe that compromise with its most problematic sides perpetuates a vicious circle of irrationality, stagnation, defamation, underdevelopment and ultimately self-hypocrisy of its prospects.
For the Atenistas, Athens is not only a "finished story" but a vast field of inventive and effective actions that will help us realize its enormous potential.
Drawing power and energy from civil society - the thousands of defenseless Athenians who want to do something for their city and have not found a channel of creative participation in the open affairs of Athens, the Atenistas:
- brighten up schoolyards
- brush away offensive graffiti
- clean out neglected alleys
- bring a fresh look and feel to the city through a variety of volunteer-led activities
- organize cultural events or guided tours in historic areas and unpopular neighborhoods
- announce theaters offering cheap tickets
- organized citizen-action group activities across the city of Athens.
The Atenistas are not a party organization, nor a municipal party, but a living community that wants to share its beliefs for a much better Athens, by believing in the rejuvenating power of action. They are tired of grumbling and blaming "the others" or the "state" for all mistakes and for everything that is wrong.
"We are here only to act. Seven days a week, 365 days a year."

A few of the Atenistas actions

- Rearranging and redeeming the pedestrians a battered pavement:
Where Kolokotroni Street meets Lekka Str. there was a sidewalk corner with a tree, fighting for survival between parked vehicles, scooters, trash.

Kolokotroni & Lekka StrA team of Atenistas decided to demonstrate how a small neglected public space, could mutate into a "place" that could be "inhabited" by pedestrians and city walkers, that could offer the possibility of passive leisure, pausing for a moment and perceiving the city, provide a space for socialization. In a self-defensible space against cars, motorcycles, garbage.

- Flying bubbles in the Alexandra's avenue abandoned playground:
That was a colorless, left out, with toys in terrible condition, benches dirty and nearly broken, deficient lighting, trees and flora without any care. A place without a trace of children's voices.
Flying bubbles Thus, on Saturday 1/11 with brushes and rollers in hand, about 40 Athenians revived and restored the scene in this abandoned place, inspired by flying bubbles. With pleasure we have witnessed children already playing and having fun.

- The neglected walkway off Syndagma square:

walkwaywalkway That was an open space so central but in the same time, so neglected and derelict. The pedestrian walkway (part of Perikleous Str.), two blocks down from Syndagma Sq., had been left in a miserable state for years. Atenistas's Green team decided to act and improve its appearance, give identity and some kind of public function. Our artists gave "wings" to air conditioners in order to create a surreal and out of the ordinary feeling and an element of surprise. Placemaking at its best, a public void city space with no other function than being a passage and , during nights, a public WC, was transformed to an amazing, functional, urban place. It only took 3 weeks of design preparation and material gathering, 11 hours of hard work and 40 people dedicated to look at the bright side of life and of the city they live in.

- 2 new pocket parks in Kolonos
Our Green team managed to complete two pocket parks in the Kolonos area and hand them over to the people of the neighbourhood along with a history lesson and a great message. The inspiration for our first park on Dramas 11 was Sophocles who was born in Kolonos. In all our actions we try to find a connection between the place and its history.two pocket parks The park's plan looks like an ancient theater, the plants and trees used are Mediterranean and the main wall of this small park was dedicated to the great ancient writer. We contacted Fikos, a great muralist, and proposed our idea. He then created a wonderfull graffiti where one can view Sophocles in modest style facing the heroes of his tragedies who come to salute him and give him the most important item of their story (i.e Hercules offers the mantle he used to end his life, Oedipus offered the needles he used to drive hiself blind etc). The heroes pictured on the mural are Oedipus, Aias, Antigoni, Ismini, Polinikis, Filoktitis, Hercules, Orestis, Helektra.

- Piano-steps in Eratosthenous Street, Pagrati, Athens!
Giving an artistic touch to one of Athens' beautiful secret corners. Under the spell of music from the nearby Conservatoire Attico, we swept, cleaned and painted piano keys on a set of steps in this Athenian neighbourhood.piano keys It was a simple idea, a simple move, but one which necessitated a desire for action and an optimistic look at things.So, on the spur of the moment, we created a landmark for this neighborhood, an artistic intervention in an urban space, which was enhanced by the element of surprise, the sense of "spot" which offered a playful and optimistic note on a grey urban scene.

- Touching, listening and smelling a museum
In cooperation with the Industrial Gas Museum in Technopolis, Gazi, the event included a visit to the Museum and a special guided tour for people with partial or complete loss of vision.Tour for blind people The vision-impaired guests touched the retorts (ovens), the gas pipelines and the purification equipment, they listened to the history of the factory as well as the working conditions during its time of operation, and smelled the tar and naphthalene that still prevail today inside the old factory..

- Planting trees and various plants in bare flower beds
For various reasons the flower beds were left empty and drivers used the pedestrian area to park their vehicles.
The 30-35 determined brave Atenistas were divided into two groups.Planting trees in the Athens centreThe access group walked through the Commercial Centre pedestrian area which they found to have become a road network. They left brochures on the cars or talked with the drivers. The other team started work immediately, initially locating the intervention points, namely eight abandoned flower beds which were now plain holes with dried soil. In two cases, in order to be able to do the job, the drivers who had parked on the empty bed had to be found and the cars removed.

- A magical ride to Philopappos hill
The Atenistas had a big reunion on Sunday afternoon and they climbed onto Philopappos. Mrs. Olga Vogiatzoglou, an archaeologist at the 1st Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, who from the first moment was thrilled with the idea, guided them to unknown paths of the hill, explained the use of the hill over time and and the meaning of many of the ancient remains to date.PhilopapposAt the end of the walk George Christodoulou was waiting with his musicians and while the lights of the city were turning on everyone was left to enjoy his melodies.

- Athens' third pocket park a reality
Atenistas's Green Team decided to revisit a vacant lot at the corner of Feron & Fylis Streets in downtown Athens, put an end to decades of abandonment, drug abuse and littering, with a derelict building and tons of garbage in an otherwise promising plot of land with new elements: colorful murals on the surrounding walls, new DIY playground toys, more plants and trees for more shading and aroma, additional benches for resting, better soil and gravel, and a new plan for circulation with pallet paths in the pocket park.Kids helping with the construction Fifty kids helped in the construction of the pocket park, painted the walls and learned how to plant flowers and herbs. In an herculean effort to transform this open space, another Atenistas's sub-team, Creativa, came to our aid and was responsible for the creation of the colorful murals to brighten the children's smiles. Also, a plethora of volunteers and local residents, who believed in the project and helped beyond expectations, also deserve a big thank you!

- Kotzia square, our own elections
The idea was Tasos' - get to Kotzia Square with candles one day before the elections. Send the Atenistas message to anyone who would be mayor of the city. Amalia threw out the idea of ??a "parade" on the streets and squares and in 48 hours all were ready. Vanessa brought her friends, street artists, Alexandros his saxophone, Amalia sent a drum, some wine from home, Tasos thousands of tealights.Tea lights in Kotzia squareThe square was covered by a lovely bright carpet. More and more friends were arriving with their candles - you did not need to do anything. The image was coming into you and warmed your heart.
The first music began warming up even more the atmosphere and finally, the signal to start was given. The instruments led the "parade" through Athena street, Sofokleous, then at the Theatre Square. In Geraniou str. the residents got out on the balconies, surprised at the beginning, then smiling, applauding.
Outside the National Theatre, spectators who are waiting to enter the building were asking what is going on. A lady shouted "Well done guys!" At Marni street and Vathi Square a real feast was set, spectacular dancing on the center of the square, then also at Omonia.
When everything was over, left-overs had to be collected in cooperation with the Cleaners of the Municipality who had do the hardest work, remove the splashed candle wax from the soil...
